Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day 50

The Serious Manizzle pulled together a blinding performance for the shoot the weekend before last when we shot their first music video. Unfortunately, lacking the ability to be in two places at once, I was unable to shoot both the video and the “making of” the video which could have been quite a fun doco in itself. Though with some quick “to camera” sections, some outtakes and a sneak peak at the edit in progress you might get an idea of what it was like to shoot a music video in Africa. With no occupational safety and health authority to speak of, the serious men performed from a converted motorbike taxi for about 4 hours, don’t ask me how they managed to stay on… oh wait…

I'll be sure to post the completed video when it is finished, and hopefully try to get it screened in New Zealand!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 44

This interview was filmed during the festival as part of a video workshop I was running with the students at the Chuo Cha Sanaa College. We worked through scripting, interviewing, shooting, editing and uploading. All the footage was filmed by the stidents.